Saturday 16 June 2018

What is conscious growth?

 What exactly do you mean by growing consciously? Does it just have to do with learning stuff, doing things understanding in the physical plane of life every object thing or event manifests  and just repeating things over and over again?

 Conscious growth is way beyond all this. If you want to take the best example,  the best  way to see something is to have the object  you are viewing within the eyesight. If something goes beyond the limits of what meets the eye,  you can say it is out of vision. The same thing can you talk about your ears,  there is a stipulated frequency range beyond which the ears cannot hear. Every Single sense organ,  works the same way. The conscious mind,  is just a reflection imitation and combinations of each of the sense organs extrapolated at any point of time.

 Likewise if you cannot see something or you cannot hear something or you cannot feel something or you cannot taste something,  it is really not the evidence of its absence.  The subconscious mind is similar to this perspective.

 The funny thing about how the conscious and subconscious mind works is it doesn't have any kind of defined pattern accept the basic instincts of fear of loud noise and the ones which we are born with.  Most of the other sensations,  ideologies,  beliefs  and thoughts   are just learnt along the way.

 Being a Prisoner of these patterns,  prevents us from really realising the biggest power of our conscious mind.  If the body was just to rely on the sense organs of with,  we would be so much more unbiased about a lot of things which happen.   However,  sadly that is not the case.

 Every time we go through and experience,  our brain works in such a way that it would want to connect the dots with what you already know.  So,  what is when you have the actual thing that happened and your interpretation of what happened.   Every device invented by man  doesn't record or capture  all the five sensory perceptions.

 Due to this,  the way we project what has happened,  forces itself  through a software called beliefs.  The conscious mind is just a reflection of the software called belief.  If there is a new experience out of all the five sensory perceptions,  one that we have never experience before we get to install a new belief system.  Now really the conscious mind is actually conscious.  This is when we actually realise what is vs  actually we think it is.

 The challenge for most of us is in flushing out what we really believe and life for what is.  Many people fail in this aspect of life where they perceive something and all the get experience right now this moment is reflection of the software which runs in the present  moment.

 Do we realise that we can actually install A software called present moment consciousness which supersede the belief system which exists?  This is when we realise that people live lives of quiet desperation and they are absolutely helpless in terms of moving in life  towards the dreams and goals.

 So,  it is very key to take a note that every belief you hold onto was once installed upon you.  Whether it was installed consciously or unconsciously,  the quality of life you have currently reflects how effective the current belief system works on you.

 I believe it is a big challenge to wake up to this fact and actually get to work  on the belief system itself rather than just  woke on the happenings.  Sometimes getting beliefs uninstalled  can be very complicated.  When two or more ropes  intertwined with each other and we have 15 other ropes  on the same fashion intertwined with each other in various permutations and combinations,  removing the Knot is much more complicated and Messier  then completely throwing it off.  In other words,  if we can install the belief  that you can willfully throw  out old beliefs,  this one belief  can give rise to higher states of consciousness.  Becoming aware of this power is key  to succeed.

 Learning how a belief was created  can be very complicated if we have not understood the fact that basic beliefs can be interwoven into  a different complicated  belief  and trying to unknot the same  is like getting on a treadmill I am hoping to move from one place to another.

  Removing this  roadblocks potentially a very challenging area for most the individuals. So comes the thought ' never believe in anything 100%'.  Use the beliefs like how you would use a computer software.  You do not Work on one particular software if you feel that  It wouldn't solve the current problem you have.  You actually Google it,  browse the net,  ask other people  and try out various other ways to solve the problem.  However if  the result  expected is not achieved you would not trade off anything for the end.  You will still say that,   the issue is unresolved.

 Consciously choosing the thoughts knowing the end result that is expected helps us to eliminate thinking inside a box.  When it comes to solution it is always binary.  You either have the problem resolved or  it is unresolved.

  Many a time,  we only focus on solving a problem but, to  get the conscious mind actually involved in the problem,  we would need to state the problem very clearly  and specify the outcome very clearly.  If we cannot specify the outcome very clearly,  we are at least decide on the fact that need to keep working until the problem not a problem anymore.

 Taking consciousness from the perspective of non-believer or in other words knowing that we choose something  right here right now can be a purely conscious process.  To conclude,  if we want to grow consciously we need to realise that we are choosing to do something only to solve a problem.,  if the problem is not resolved then we would need to conclude that that software called belief has outrun our consciousness.  So start afresh but knowing that you are more conscious now.  Group consciously! 

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