Friday 16 December 2011

Waking Up From Sleep

This is my first post on the blog. I would like to talk in detail about how I woke up from my slumber. As we know, every single soul which entered this earth, there is one thing which is common among all of us. It is death. The ultimate certainty which every individual is bound to face is death. Against the backdrop of death, its silly to think of any other challenges which actually exists in front of us. Steve Jobs says in his Stanfford address that "Live your life everyday as if it were the last day in your life, and most certainly one of those days will turn out to be true."

Many times when I see people who are really lost in their current day problems and daily challenges, I wonder what it would be worth when today is past. It tantamounts to say that we are nothing when we compare ourselves over the length of time. When I was in my school I was told to focus on my studies and fair well in my exams and get a decent grade and also to choose a career which will help me lead a comfortable life. But as we all know the word comfort in real life is a very relative term. If you can get the actual meaning behind the word, it is a feeling rather than a physical thing. Most of this world is constituted by people who sleep over with their music in them, settling down for a meager living.

Slumber is something which is blessed to all humans for shutting down all the senses and just be with themselves. A better understanding of this would be a typical game which most of us would have played. MARIO! When you start the game, you move forward fight enemies, eat plants, get lives, cross hurdles and do several things. But have you ever wondered who that MARIO is? Yes many of you would say the MARIO is the person playing the game. Correct but its not 100% true. You just represent an avatar called MARIO inside the game stimulation. But you are not MARIO. You are not the one who is chased by devils and demons. You live outside the game and MARIO is just an avatar which projects you within the game environment.

In life, similarly we are what we are in life, inside the simulation or game of earth. The actual you is contained outside you. If you ever try shutting down a MARIO game, did you observe that you still exist. On similar grounds we do exist even when we lose our physical bodies. If your do not believe me, just try this! Sit back and close your eyes and think about the first time you ever went out with a good friend or your first gift you got from someone whom you really loved. Now open your eyes!! Did any of these actually exist in front of you or is any of this currently being experienced by you in the present?? Heck No! Where did all this actually take place?

Maybe you might call it your mind. But my question is how do you know it is true?? Can you prove it to someone else by any means? Well its funny that life in itself is a wonderful mystery because it is built on what we perceive. Mostly what we perceive is an effect of what we are conditioned to perceive right from childhood, our friends, parents, neighbours , news and several unconscious mediums.Have you ever sat back and wondered for a moment whether what you see is what exactly is? What you hear is what exactly it is? But its very strange that after a point in time people have a set of beliefs routed in them saying I am so and so, I work for ____ and I am an extrovert,open,opinionated,charming etc.

When I play the game of MARIO, if I get hit by the enemy do I really die or does my avatar have to start off from the beginning? I am sure all of us would agree we would rather take a chance to reach the end point rather than wait and make time tick away and lose our life. Well what if we are killed in the process of trying to reach the so called end point and we are hurt or lose our size on the way? I am sure nobody hits the reset button and starts from scratch. They try to grow bigger along the way again. But who is the one who becomes bigger or smaller in the game? Its the MARIO Avatar. We are the ones who control the joystick and play the game from the outside. Immaterial of whatever happens in the game, the person who is playing the game is the same.

But in life hardly do we see people moving forward. Just because an enemy lies in front of us, we stay a little away from them dodging them or trying to make friends with them or maybe even worse just seeing an enemy from a distance. By enemy what I mean is the challenges we face on our day to day life. Ultimately it is our life that exists and the challenges and demons are not under our control. However we can choose to move past them as in the game of MARIO. Its we who chose to play our game on this Earth. What is the point if we are not moving forward? Yes challenges do happen and we are rattled. But where is the real you?? Is it the one who is put down by the challenge or is it someone outside all this physical things whose sole aim is to get to the destination meant to be reached.

The beauty of this life is, unlike the game of MARIO we simulate everything which happens on earth including the problems and challenges. So if there is a challenge out there and we ourselves are running away from that, its essentially we running away from ourselves. When people decide to sit and work in a painful job where they feel least motivated to stay and succeed, it just leads to a cognitive dissonance. Its like the spider making its own web and itself getting trapped in it! Sitting back and thinking neutrally is pretty easy as opposed to thinking within the physical realms. We need to understand the rules which exist here in this earth on the whole. The rules means the universal truths. Everything else is just a creation made by us. We can move beyond what we created and what really poses to challenge us.

I woke up when I was totally frustrated with what was currently happening in my life when I was in my training in my company. I was all excited to work after a long break and very shortly I found out that I was in my own trap. I realized that I needed to get out of my own trap and exhibit my strength. In my case I had dug a deep trench and burried my music afraid that I couldnt make it in the world where so many people competed against each other. I realized that the only competition that existed was the one created by me. So i stopped creating it. The only message here is, whenever you have a big challenge when you seem to be repeatedly feeling empty or dissatisfied at the end of the day, you need to realise that you have to wake up! Just as what you see in your sleep cannot be proved real, what you currently experience may not be the reality too. You might be sleeping in your own degree. So WAKE UP!